Visit our Location
100 N 20th St. Phil. PA
Opening Hours
MWF: 7am - 3pm, T&Th: 11am-7pm

Our Story

Gabrielle Rathz and Dawson Marshall met in PT school in 2015. They immediately hit it off due to their offbeat sense of humor and love for helping others. After they graduated in 2018, they began making plans to provide Physical Therapy on their own terms. They spent the next 4 years working extremely hard to sharpen their skills and study to be at the top of their fields. When they talked about what to name the clinic, the choice was obvious…

The name Invictus (Latin for “unconquered”) was conceived in 2014 by Gabby’s brother, Dr. Yoni Dassa. Named for his favorite poem by William Ernest Henley, Yoni was inspired by the line:

My head is bloody, but unbowed….

I am the master of my fate;

I am the captain of my soul.

In that same spirit, he sought to provide dental services to underserved communities of Boston. Tragically, Yoni passed away in 2020 after a 4 year fight with colon cancer.

Now Gabby carries on his mission and his spirit to bring healthcare where it’s needed most. In 2022, Gabby teamed up with Dawson to open Invictus Physical Therapy and help the community of Philadelphia to take mastership of their fate. They want to help them thrive, be it simply getting through everyday tasks without pain or running marathons. Whatever your ambition, Invictus wants to help you achieve it. Be unconquerable! 

Get to Know Us

Gabrielle Rathz

I love using my scientific knowledge to help patients reach their health goals and realize their full potential...

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R. Dawson Marshall, PT, DPT, OCS

I enjoy working with people over time, as it allows me to form a strong relationship with each patient..

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